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  • Madigan Riddle

In-Person Schooling Turned Upside Down

Over 300 students and counting have fallen into quarantine for 2 weeks; some have tested positive, but many have been contact traced. Staff and students have been falling into quarantine since the beginning of last week, and now over 30% of the students and staff have been sent home.

Not to mention, the High School Nurse’s two-week notice ended November 4th. Teachers and administration have had to contact-trace students in her absence. The Nurse resigned on the 20th of October. Many students and staff were sad to see her go.

“Nurse Amy is a wonderful nurse. I'm sorry she’s left our district, but I’m glad she has found a good opportunity for her career and family.” Ms. Hanff, the High School librarian mentions.

Many staff members are working hard to keep both in-person and virtual students learning during this hard time.

“Overall, my happiness has improved being back with my students and I obviously prefer to teach in-person,” McAllister, the Foreign Language teacher explains, “but goodness it is a lot of work when there's as many students quarantined as there are right now.”

The school board released information on the 6th about the number of staff and students out due to Covid-19. In the district as a whole, there are 342 students and 17 staff members in quarantine because of close contact or showing symptoms.

“We will continue to evaluate our educational environment and our processes to ensure that we can keep students and staff members safe and in school as we recognize the importance of face-to-face instruction.” The district’s recent letter mentioned to the parents and students, “Our district’s goal remains to continue to provide in-person learning while keeping our students and staff as safe as possible.”

In-person schooling has brought out the reality of how serious Covid-19 really is, and how easy it can spread through a building. All we can do is hope that the numbers of people quarantined will slow down.

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